Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using this Website and Services offered by OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S.
These Terms are to be understood by the Parties as binding for the purpose of using the Services offered. The use of this Website and the Services provided implies express consent to the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Use.

The www.officinarovers.it Web Site (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”) is provided by OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S., with registered office in Via Nuova San Rocco, 95 – 80131 Napoli (Na), P. IVA 09497591215, and is bound by the following Terms and Conditions of Use.

You are required to carefully consider the following basic rules governing the use of this Web Site. Your use of the Website is an unconditional commitment to follow and respect these Terms and Conditions of Use.

By using this Web Site or by downloading material from the above-mentioned Web Site, in particular the material and information that can be accessed by registering to the Reserved Area, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set forth in these Terms of Use.

If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you are encouraged not to use the Website and not download any materials from it.


By using this Web Site, the User has access to a wide range of “Resources” including, but not limited to, documentation, manuals and product data sheets, photographs, videos, technical specifications, texts, Graphics elements , sounds, images, descriptions, layout of the Website.

Additionally, by registering to the Site Reserved Area of ??the Web Site you have the opportunity to consult more technical and product information and resources about the products offered by OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S.

This information is reserved and intended only for users authorized at the sole discretion of the Website Owner.

In all of the above mentioned cases, you can consult these Resources or download them, provided that the disclosure is used for informational purposes and not for commercial purposes and is in no way falsified or altered.

You agree to use (directly or indirectly) the Web Site and Resources only for personal and non-commercial purposes , permitted by OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S., by these Terms of Use and any applicable laws or regulations, or practices, Or guideline generally accepted in the relevant jurisdictions.

You are not authorized to use the Website and the Resources in any way that could damage, disable, overburden or compromise the Website’s infrastructure, its partners, and suppliers, or interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Site Web and Resources from other users.

You may not and not allow anyone else to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, sell, sell, or attempt to obtain source code Software, Services, Documentation, Content or Publications obtained from the Website, unless expressly permitted or required by law, or unless specifically authorized by OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S.

You agree not to access (or attempt to access) any part of the Website, Resources, Computers, or networks connected to this Web Site, its partners and suppliers via any means other than the interface that is Provided by this Web Site, either through abusive insertion, forgery of password and / or other means.

You agree to be liable for any breach of the user’s obligations under the terms of these Terms of Use and for the consequences (including any loss or damage that OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. may suffer) of any violation.

OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. or any licensed third parties reserve all intellectual property rights (all rights potentially protected by copyright laws, design laws, trademark laws and any other intellectual property law) as regards , By way of example but not limited to, all documents, videos, animations, articles, sketches, drawings, software, databases, trade marks, logos, texts, graphics, sounds, images, descriptions, layout of the Website, photographs, specifications Techniques, product documentation, and any material available on this Web Site.

Except as concerns the personal use of the information available on the Website and the rights explicitly granted by the applicable law, you are prohibited from reproducing, distributing, modifying, copying, exposing, displaying, licensing , Divulge, sell, publicly transmit – in whole or in part – any information as well as to create any derivative works and / or products from such information without prior written consent from OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. Or their respective owners of intellectual property rights.


By using the Web Site and registering with the Reserved Area, you agree to all the terms and conditions contained in this document including the OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. Privacy Policy.

These Terms of Use apply to all users of the Website and relate to the services offered by the same. OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. reserves the right to make changes to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy at any time without any prior notice.

Users are therefore encouraged to carefully review these Terms of Use before using the Website again and / or using the Services contained therein.

By continuing to access or use the Website, following the publication of a change and / or variation of the Website, the user agrees to be bound by such modified Terms.

If the user feels that such changes are unacceptable, the only option for appeal is to stop using the Website and the Services contained therein


Although OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. uses the utmost attention in order to include accurate and up-to-date information on the Website, it is not able to assert or guarantee in any way, expressly or implicitly, the accuracy or the appropriateness of such information (including any warranties or affirmations regarding the fact that any specific information is adequate for the purpose of the user or that the information is free of errors or computer viruses).

OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. disclaims any liability or duty for any errors or omissions contained in the information available on this Web site, all to be included and without exception , and in no case be held liable for any breach, loss or damage of any kind (including, but not limited to, for example pc failures, loss of data, loss of profits, loss of business opportunities, business breaks) or for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages of any kind resulting from the use of the information present on the Website, the use of information obtained from the websites linked to it, or the inability to use the aforementioned websites or other linked websites.

It should be noted that the information on this Web Site may be modified or deleted without prior notice.


OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. respects the privacy of its users and, in collecting and using the personal data of the user, undertakes to protect their privacy and to comply with their Privacy Policy.

Since this Web Site may contain links to third-party sites, OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. will not be held responsible for the use of users personal information when accessing or visiting these sites or using their “cookies”.

Sites belonging to third parties subject to a link to and from this Website are not under the control of OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. Which is therefore not responsible for the content of any of these linked sites. This Web Site provides these links solely as a service for the benefit of the user and the inclusion of any link to any website does not imply endorsement by OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S.

Personal Data Processing and Cookie Usage Policy: Privacy Policy and Cookies.


Should any of these Terms of Use be declared invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the resulting invalid or unenforceable provision will be replaced by a valid and applicable provision reflecting as much as possible the intent of the original provision And the rest of the Terms of Use will remain in effect in all respects.

The terms of these Terms of Use and the relationship between User and OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. shall be governed by Italian law and by the exclusive jurisdiction of the court competent to resolve any legal dispute arising out of the Terms.

More information and / or clarifications regarding the Terms and Conditions of Use may be requested at any time at OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. using contact information.

For a proper consultation of the Website, OFFICINA ROVERS S.R.L.S. invites you to view the Personal Data Processing and Cookie Information Policy: Policy Privacy and Cookies